Thursday, November 15, 2007

Sad day

Upsr result came out today...I could see many students cry (happy and sad)...As for my daughter...she also cried...the result not reach her target!
I follow the trial of Pulau Batu Puteh in The Hague. I really hope the result will be at our side.
This is of course soal maruah...though the island is too small tapi itu kedaulatan kita...Semuanya nak ikut cakap dia orang. Banyak kes tertangguh belum selesai...InsyaAllah sama-sama kita doa...kita akan menang.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Hari ini hujan

Nothing interesting today...Husband got to go to Kuantan for two days...So i have to take care of my IT centre...Woke up early in the morning prepare breakfast for my kids. Sent them to school and prepared meal for lunch. Only two dishes.
One of my practical students asked my permission to go back in the afternoon as he is not feeling well. Could be due to weather condition. Kejap panas kejap hujan...myself feeling sick too.
Tomorrow will be the day for UPSR result published. I'm not sure whether i can sleep well tonight. But my daughter looks so cool...seems nothing important going to happen.


Salam buat pertama kali saya ucapkan kepada semua. Ini adalah pertama kali penulisan saya ke blog ini.
Sejak akhir-akhir ini banyak isu yang memeningkan kepala kita. Isu kenaikan harga barang, isu pendatang asing yang tidak asing lagi di negara kita, isu rogol dan bunuh kanak-kanak yang tidak berdosa, isu tak dapat bonus oleh kakitangan kerajaan dan macam-macam lagi...

Agaknya kita sebagai pengguna dan rakyat...apa hak kita ye?